Ads not showing on my site !
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Written by Shareus Team
Updated over a week ago

If you're not seeing ads on your website, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Installation of Shareus Ads:

    • Ensure that the Shareus Ads snippet is correctly installed on your website. Double-check the integration to ensure it's properly implemented.

  2. AdBlocker:

    • Check if you have any AdBlocker extensions enabled in your browser. If so, disable them to allow Shareus Ads to display properly.

  3. Website Activation:

    • Verify that your website is active and approved in your Shareus Publisher dashboard. If not, ensure that your website has been successfully added and approved for displaying ads.

  4. Geographical Targeting:

    • Consider the possibility that there may be no ads available in your country or region. If you're from a location with limited advertising demand, it's possible that there are currently no advertisers targeting your region. You may try accessing your website from a different location using a VPN, such as the US, to see if ads appear.

  5. Advertiser Preferences:

    • Keep in mind that advertisers have the option to block specific publishers from displaying their ads. If an advertiser has chosen to block your website, ads may not appear on your site.

  6. Using Cache Plugin

    • If ads are still not displaying on your website, another potential reason could be the use of plugins that interfere with our ad code script. Popular cache plugins like WP Rocket and others may inadvertently block the Shareus Ads script.

      To ensure that Shareus Ads can display correctly, please check your cache plugin settings and ensure that our script is allowed. You may need to whitelist Shareus Ads or make adjustments to your cache plugin configuration to ensure compatibility with our ad code.

      By allowing our script in your cache plugin settings, you can ensure that Shareus Ads are not blocked and can be displayed effectively on your website.

      If you need further assistance with configuring your cache plugin or resolving issues with ad display, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.

By addressing these potential issues, you can troubleshoot and resolve the problem of ads not displaying on your website. If you continue to experience issues, feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance.

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