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My impressions are low compared to the number of visitors I have
My impressions are low compared to the number of visitors I have
Shareus Team avatar
Written by Shareus Team
Updated over a week ago

If you're noticing a discrepancy between the number of impressions and the number of visitors on your website, there are a few factors to consider:

  1. Definition of Impressions: Our statistics are based solely on impressions, which are counted when our ads are opened and viewed by visitors on your website. This metric may differ from visitor counts or page views.

  2. AdBlock Usage: Many users employ AdBlock extensions, which can impact ad impressions and, consequently, your revenue. AdBlock usage may result in lower impression counts despite high visitor traffic.

    โ€‹Use Our Anti-AdBlock Solution
    To mitigate the effects of AdBlock usage, we offer an Anti-AdBlock solution that you can enable directly from our dashboard. This solution helps ensure that ads are displayed to users even if they have AdBlock enabled, potentially increasing your impression count and revenue.

By understanding these factors and utilizing our Anti-AdBlock solution, you can address potential discrepancies in impression counts and optimize your ad performance.

If you have further questions or require assistance with implementing the Anti-AdBlock solution, please reach out to our support team for guidance

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